Finger Lakes Innkeepers Attend Conference in Lancaster, PA

Sunrise Landing innkeepers recently returned from the Mid-Atlantic Inkeepers Trade Show and Conference held this year in Lancaster, Pa. We are sometimes asked the question, “What can you learn at a B&B conference that you haven’t already learned after years of innkeeping?” On the contrary, it was clear from start to at the conference a few weeks ago that innkeeping just isn’t what it used to be.

Our rapidly evolving industry includes everything from changes in guest demographics affecting decorating, and other trends, to the obvious technological transformations taking place all around us.

More than just providing answers to questions, this conference provided an excellent framework for navigating today’s innkeeping marketplace. And, coinciding with our Empire State Bed and Breakfast Association announcement of its exciting new iPhone Application, it could not have been more timely. Look for the application in the iPhone App Store and search for ESBBA.

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